- Politics
- Fact Check - not sure what's the truth or what's political distortion? This is an excellent non-partisan page whose mission is to put out the facts
- Move On - a grassroots, internet-based movement to support issues that are really important to people
- CODEPINK - women for peace, an activist group
- Spirituality: mostly pagan
- WitchVox - an excellent resource for pagans
- MysticWicks Pagan Forums - excellent and informative forums for pagans of all experience levels, supportive of newbies
- New! God Checker - an encyclopedia of gods from various cultures, but not with your standard dry encyclopedia writing
- New! Encyclopedia Mythica - a great encyclopedia of gods and heroes
- New! Theoi Project - everything you ever wanted to know about anything that's ever appeared in Greek myth
- BeliefNet - a wonderful site for people of all religious and spiritual persuasions, even has a fun quiz to tell you which religion your beliefs are closest to
- Charmed: yes, I'm a huge fan
- The WB - Charmed's home network, has episode info, downloads, etc
- TNT - airs Charmed reruns on weekdays, check their schedule to find out which episodes will be on
- The Charmed Ones - one of the best Charmed sites out there, detailed spoilers, news updates, photos, etc.
- The Sisters Three - extensive forums with spoilers, bulletins, pictures, fanfics and general discussion
- Goldfish
- Animal World's Goldfish Section - information about common goldfish breeds with pictures
- Goldfish Paradise - everything you ever wanted to know about goldfish with informative articles, pictures, forums, etc.
- Koi Vet - sick goldfish? Here's where you can get information about goldfish illnesses and treatment
- Misc.
- BME - BME stands for Body Modification E-zine; if you're at all interested in piercings, tattoos, etc, then check here; this is the best and biggest body modification site out there with a huge library of experiences and photos
- Fark - news clippings, Photoshop contests and general amusement
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