Topic: Tarot Reviews
I had originally said in my review that the minor arcana don't show the requisite number of suit objects. I stand corrected. The cards do show the number of suit objects; the trick is to see them all. I sent Lorena Moore (the deck creator) the link to the review, and she responded:
"If you can't find the requisite number of suit symbols on a card, look again...
Some are more obvious than others, and a few cards contain multiples of the number.
If you STILL can't find them, e-mail me. Believe me, they are all there! :-)
It is interesting to me that when people have this problem with the deck, they don't have it with the same cards!
One woman simply could not find the third bell on the Three of Bells until I showed it to her. Another person picked out the same bell and saw the rest of the picture as "background". (Kind of makes you wonder how accurate those psychiatric ink blot tests are!)
Black and white images are interpreted in a different part of your brain than color, and your eye sees them with different cells. Black and white drawings speak to the older, animal part that focuses on detail and pattern in order to detect movement."
Thank you so much, Lorena! This deck is a wonderful adventure and a richly layered experience.
Posted by swordsqueen
at 12:31 EST
Updated: Tuesday, 14 December 2004 12:38 EST