Topic: Tarot Reviews
I initially discovered this deck from a link on the Gaian Tarot webpage. I looked at some images and quickly lost interest. At the time, the pictures just didn't appeal to me. Recently, a thread on the Aeclectic Tarot Forum made me reconsider this deck, and I'm very glad I took another look! When I returned to the webpage, the images struck me in a way that they hadn't before. In fact, the images pulled at me so much that I decided rather quickly that this is a deck I had to have.
The images are mostly done in black and white with rust-colored shadings on some of the major arcana. Although the range of color is limited, the images are far from stark. They are symmetrical and organic and strangely haunting.
I find the deck as a whole to be incredibly and deeply feminine. I don't mean feminine as in pink bows and ruffles, either. I mean feminine as with the Goddess Herself. This deck speaks in Her voice. It knows what it is to give life and to weep for the dead and everything in between. Its femininity goes far deeper than our superficial cultural labels.
This deck speaks directly to my intuition with a voice of deep wisdom and strength. Unlike many of my other decks, this one actually does speak. When I look at these cards, my intuition pops full sentences into my head. I connect with the Ironwing Tarot on a very spiritual level, and I would probably not be comfortable using it for others (excepting my very closest friends).
The cards themselves encourage a more intuitive use. None of the cards, majors or minors, are numbered or labeled. This gives the reader 2 choices: to completely memorize what each card looks like and means or to "go with the flow" and let intuition supply meanings. There is a book that accompanies the deck, but for the most part, it explains what the symbols are rather than telling you exactly what they should mean. Working with this deck is a continual journey of discovery. I am looking forward to learning its secrets and deep wisdom.
I highly recommend this deck for Goddess worshipers, those who use tarot spiritually, deck collectors and more intuitive readers. You can view all the cards and purchase your own copy here.
- Majors are un-numbered
- Non-traditional suits: spikes (fire), coils (water), blades (air), bells (earth)
- Minors are illustrated with patterns incorporating suit objects rather than human figures
- Court cards are called Spirit Guides and are all women; they are non-traditionally named: Apprentice (page/princess), Gatemaker (knight/prince), Madrone (queen), Shaman (king)
- Cardstock is sturdy but easy to shuffle
- Non-reversible backs
- Companion book included with deck
Posted by swordsqueen
at 15:55 EST
Updated: Tuesday, 14 December 2004 12:37 EST