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The Swashbuckling Mind of the Queen of Swords
Tuesday, 16 November 2004
Piercing Fun
Topic: Piercings
Last night, I got another piercing. This time, it's in my upper left ear, which actually hurt worse than the nose. Who'da thunk? I'll probably still do it again though. Piercing is strangely addictive.

While I was on my way to the piercing studio, I decided that I would set an intent for the process. I decided that the piercing would represent me trying to be more grounded and to manifest things better. When I got there, they actually had jewelry with hematite on it! I couldn't have picked anything better to align with my intent so I took that as a sign that it was a good idea.

Needless to say, it hurts pretty badly today, especially if I accidentally bump it. You never realize exactly how much you touch your upper ear until it hurts when you do. Advil is my friend. But I'm definitely happy that I did it!

Posted by swordsqueen at 09:36 EST
Updated: Sunday, 12 December 2004 16:53 EST

Wednesday, 17 November 2004 - 14:03 EST

Name: Nena

It's so funny... I try to access Air from my Water/Earth standpoint, and I swear you go for Earth from Air. You get a piercing, all sharpness and swords. You put it high on your body, high on your head, and high on your ear. Then you take Advil and numb the pain, distancing yourself from your body. None of which is meant as criticism (Advil is definitely my friend too), it's just so interesting how differently we relate to the world. The funniest part is that I know it will work for you, thanks to hematite and the power of intent. Love ya, dude.

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