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The Swashbuckling Mind of the Queen of Swords
Tuesday, 21 September 2004
Paganism and Politics
Mood:  on fire
Topic: Musings
So the other day, I got pretty worked up about the whole sitation in Iraq... hell, the Middle East in general. I posted to a pagan forum asking people if they knew of any spells or rituals to try to help stop all the violence (or at least curb it a little). I was so surprised by the responses I got which were mostly along the lines of "There's always violence and there will always be violence. That's just the way it is so leave it alone." Argh! So frustrating!

I'm working on a PhD in history so I'm perfectly aware that there's always been violence. Does that mean that we should just sit back and watch it happen? I certainly don't think so. And you'd better believe that other religious groups are praying to whoever they believe in that their side will win. Why shouldn't pagans be praying/doing spellwork for peace?

I think I'm going to at least give magic a try. I'm not expecting to make any sort of impact. After all, violence in the Middle East is a long-term deep-rooted problem. But I sure as hell am not going to sit back and do nothing. At the very least, it will make me feel better to attempt to do something.

No, I don't think magic can solve all problems (when it even works). I am definitely going to be doing things on the mundane level too. For starters, I'm going to VOTE! Hie thee to the polls in November people! I'm also going to look into joining organiations for peace and human rights.

And magic? How can it hurt?

Posted by swordsqueen at 14:50 EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 21 September 2004 19:44 EDT

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