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The Swashbuckling Mind of the Queen of Swords
Tuesday, 15 March 2005
A New Course of Study
Mood:  bright
Topic: Life Goes On
Don't let me excite you too much. This new course of study is entirely personal and not related to school. I guess you could say that it's related to my career, seeing as how I read tarot once a week. Still, the impetus is personal.

Anyway, what the hell am I rambling on about?
I'm learning how to read with historical decks, more specifically the Tarot of Marseilles.

What makes this deck so deliciously difficult is it's differences from the RWS deck, which most people learn with. In many cases, the major arcana have similar meaning, but the differences are subtle and sublime. The minor arcana aren't scenically illustrated, which makes them a challenge to use in a reading, but I suspect that mastery will reveal just as many subtleties as the major arcana. The almost childlike simplicity of the artwork shouldn't fool you into thinking that there's nothing to this deck. Look into it. I'm sure you'll find the experience as rewarding as I am.

Here is a good link to get you started:
Kris Hadar's Webpage. Kris Hadar has published his own version of the Marseilles, and gives free lessons on his site. I've found his writing to be clear and helpful.

There is also a Marseilles subforum on Aeclectic Tarot Forum.

More links and hopefully more insights to come. I feel like I'm barely scratching the surface but that great wisdom lies beneath.

Posted by swordsqueen at 15:59 EST
Updated: Friday, 25 March 2005 12:21 EST

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